Thursday, September 18, 2008


hello everyone!
yesterday i worked a lot on my investigation so i'm on question 5! I'm so happy that i'm almost done with it so i can get on with my other work!
i hope i'll get the investigation done so byebye!

Friday, September 12, 2008


today i did a lot of work! i did 15 minutes of fast typing games and then i continued on my investigation. i got to a point which was harder than what i thoguht it would have been! question 4! it's very long but i'm almost done with it so i think i'm on the right track!
i'll see you next lesson bye!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Ms. Dietrich said that through these weeks we were going to use photo story with our french teacher Ms. Bouvet and that today, we had to work on the prject we started last week! if there is enough time after photo story we might start something with photo shop!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Hello everybody!
Today i started the new investigation fir term 1!
It is okay but also a bit difficult too!
I am on question 4 and i have to find 2 educational photo stories which peaople made up!
it is going very well and i concentrated a lot in this lesson!
i hope to finish next lesson.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hello everybody!
Today i created my new blog and i also did something very interesting so all the visitors can check out my friends blogs!!!
i added my friends blog addresses into my blog for others to see and they added me too.
it was a very nice lesson!
see you next lesson


Hello everybody!
Welcome to my blog...
In this blogger I will write everything that happens in each I.T lessons i have each week in term 1!