Friday, November 21, 2008


When I finished my Photo story, I noticed that all the design took much more than 30 minutes, in fact everything together took more than a double lesson to get done. All the narration took more than 10 minutes because I had to think of what would also make sense in French and if the grammar and spelling was correct! When I finished the narration, I also had to translate all the narration in French which took around 1 lesson. Getting all the images took more than 10 minutes, because I had to find exact images which would match with what I was saying in the narration! Deciding on which image was the best was quite easy. It took me about 5 minutes! I put all of the images I chose in the A column so when I was done with my plan, I could actually see how the pictures would go well after each other and to get an idea of how the order of the pictures would be. To put all the subtitles and titles took me about 8 minutes because I only had them in English so it took me a bit of time to figure them out in French. In my Plan- criterion C, it was correctly said, that it would take me 15 minutes to record.
Mrs. Bouvet corrected all the narration translated in French and she also gave me some tips to put in the titles. I did not have to change anything during this project; everything was accurately and correctly done and everything turned up really well!
My Plan worked 100% well and since I had followed all the steps correctly, everything turned out just fine!


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